Sendo “De Direita”: cânones (By N.S).
-Perceber que, se os jovens pobres e negros que são
assassinados aos milhares nas periferias brasileiras são, majoritariamente,
assassinados por outros jovens pobres e negros, consequentemente, muito do que é
dito e atribuído atualmente ao racismo no Brasil é só mais uma manobra
caça-voto esquerdista que carece de fundamentos lógicos.
Perceber que classificar a heterossexualidade como mera
“opção sexual” e/ou igualá-la a homossexualidade, é difundir a bizarra idéia de
que a perpetuidade do gênero humano (impossível sem relações heterossexuais) é
algo tão natural, tão sério e tão relevante quanto dar a bunda vestido de
Marylin Monroe. E fazer perceber que a constatação deste fato não é o mesmo que
agredir física ou verbalmente um indivíduo gay – ainda que o execrável
“politicamente correto” tente, insistentemente, convencer a sociedade do
-Perceber que só um indivíduo disposto a rasgar um bilhete
premiado de loteria em protesto ao capitalismo burguês pode realmente
proclamar-se “marxista”, “socialista”, “comunista”.
-Perceber que países islâmicos jamais, sob nenhum pretexto
ou circunstância, acolheriam ocidentais. E tampouco costumam exibir vídeos
fofinhos sobre tolerância religiosa.
-Fazer a fulana perceber que, justamente por ser “dona de
seu corpo”, ela tem a obrigação de prevenir-se contra a gravidez indesejada.
-Fazer a fulana perceber que “feminista” é a mulher que não
duvida da própria inteligência e, portanto, não se submete aos caprichos de um
-Perceber que todo e qualquer problema social é decorrente
da falta de planejamento familiar, de modo que os mendigos e os delinquentes
não são “vítimas da sociedade” – são vítimas de mulheres inconsequentes, suas
mamães. A partir daí, instaurar o controle de natalidade na sociedade.
-Perceber que não há maior demonstração de rebeldia do que
ler e fazer sentido numa sociedade infinitamente mais preocupada em enriquecer
meninos que correm atrás de uma bola (para, posteriormente, lamentar a
desigualdade social) e em ovacionar caipiras mais sensíveis que meninas de doze
anos (estas, não raro, estão beijando qualquer um e rebolando até o chão –
patrocinadas pela indiferença dos machões que chamam de “papai”).
-Fazer a funkeirinha adolescente perceber que, acaso fosse
malandra e rebelde como acredita ser, não se submeteria aos caprichos de um MC
(que só falta pedir-lhe para que deite, role e finja-se de morta – conquanto,
em alguns casos, ela não esteja fingindo...).
-Perceber que a legalização
da maconha para uso recreativo é tudo que um traficante assassino precisa para
angariar o título de “agro-empresário” e ser anistiado.
-Saber que o Estado de Israel foi criado para abrigar os
judeus sobreviventes do Holocausto e, que nunca houve, na história recente, disputas sangrentas entre cristãos e judeus. Já convivência pacífica meramente
entre um palestino e outro, é pedir demais.
-Perceber que demonstrações de racionalidade e coerência
(inerentes à ideologia Direitista) não são o mesmo que “discurso de ódio”.
Combater o Esquerdismo (leia-se: a ideologia de Esquerda) é uma ode à lucidez e
ao progresso.
Status – Sick’n tired – but studing. Away for some
ages. Needing money desperately; dear Santa Claus, please: put a million
dollars in my mail box.
Recomendado – “A
história das histórias da filosofia – aula 1” (Olavo de Carvalho).
Recomendado – Who could imagine this: Dave Mustaine
(Megadeth’s frontman) on brazilian TV – and thanks to the amazing Danilo
Escutando – Two legendary rock bands will meet at
Allianz Park stadium, december 13th. Me? I gonna be there (and thanks to my
dear brother Pimpa). Today’s mix is entirely dedicated to these awesome (and
colossal) bands – and their loyal fans.
The Greatest hard rock anthem:
…and two
Agora é Bolsonarooo!!! Finalmente responde meus e-mails! Miss ya so very much
... e até atendeu o celular! Miss ya even more now... Sabe, eu mudei, Nizi. I finally realized that I should have listen you before. Thank you for writting for me. I really missed you,
my angel
The pentagon released some Ufo footages (Nellie Airbase material?). Where's Luke, Mj? His father and some old folks from Los Alamos are deeply worried.
Luke's on a safe place. Tell his father that he was working with some big-shots from Mount Archuleta (responsible for the research on the Oumuamua). Those footages aren't from Nellie; they're Mount Archuleta's (Dulce). I told Luke a billion times to not get involved with those green berets from Archuleta. Luke were talking way too much. He must retrieve the Phil Schneider docs ASAP.
What exactly is Zone ag33? Luke didn't wanted to tell me, Mj. You can tell me, we are safe in here, Mj. By the way:seals from Los Alamos miss the old Major Nizi.
Are you "Deep State"? Randolph Alles himself will talk about this soon. If you're "Deep State", too bad for you, sucker. If you're a friendly, take my word and stay away from this. I do expect that Trump make "Deep State" pay for their countless crimes. The president is in danger (not joking); Alles called me. Who told you about "ag33"?
No need to worry; we wanna fry Deep state as much as you, Trump, Randolph or mad dog. Randolph's reports showing intense activity at "zone ag33". Where is it? Game over to Deep State.
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Five guys from White Sands never came back from ag33. I heard about it before (although we call it "the ESSA 77 thing" or even "Valhalla").
Don't worry about them. The "menager" of ag33 is a very popular,kind and wise "man". And that's how (and why) I became a Christian. Well, if you were smart enough to figure it out who he is (...), you now know the "toppest" military secret of all. Farewell.
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Something useful:
Thanks, Mj. Like colonel Higgins says "no morons, no ignorants at my division. We dont work with vulnerable People".
Well, it aint South America. They dont respect and never pay attention to ignorants;so keep that in mind and never stop reading.
Good'ol Mj N is always one step ahead. I'm sure you already know that the US, Russia, Japan and those cocksuckers from China launched sattelites almost at the same time (read the news?). Terry will have no other option but to destroy the Oumuamua. Alles wanted to congrat you, Mj. He said that you're a "honored man;damn fine marine". Couldn't agree more. Semper-Fi,wardog.
Randolph can thank me later. He's desperate to send the hot-shots of Deep State straight to "nightmare hall". A lot of pressure at my shoulders lately,Dan. One last thing: Luke's in Lobo, Texas.
Roger. You gonna be "Tex" right-arm. Wanna bet? Strange: Google is full of photos of Randolph; I didn't knew that Tex were a camera enthusiast...
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Well, people change. Your friend, Luiz Elizondo, released a lot of "special material" at the Internet. And good'ol David Fravor is finally talking about it... A new world is being born, no more "creepy shadow ops" for us. Steven Greer released some of his material at YouTube. Luke will have his chance, sgt.
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My division got some things to share as well. If you borrow me those Dulce footages (the ones with you, Luke and some "special coleagues"), we might be able to perform some changes at Higgins's behavior. Randolph will aprove your decision, mj. Its up to you.
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I won't be taking the first move, Dan. Delta won't have my neck for dinner. And that's why I told you to stay out of this. As I said to Luke before, you're not dealing with latinos here; you're not dealing with whores and ignorant douches. Any wrong moves, any gossip about those things, and Randolph will be glad to put you under surveillance.
One last thing, mj: how do you know about me and Luiz Elizondo (freaked me out)?
... by the same way I know about your brand-new blue Pathfinder vehicle. Stay out this, Dan. Zip it. As I just told you: you're not dealing with latinos here. We read more, we know more. But, if you're looking for more specific clues, go for the song "Eletric Eye" (Judas Priest). Pay attention to the lyrich of this classic...
Great tip;great song, mj. Oh, and you were correct about Jeffrey Epstein, he's Deep State.
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He's one of too many. Won't be shaking his dick around again. Alles tried hard to transfer this piece of shit to Dulce for some "correction". The nightmare hall can be a very pedagogical enviromment...
Randolph and myself were talking (off-record) about the John Lear files. He knows about your participation with some folks from Terry's division and those "special footages". Don't worry, though. Alles respects you a lot,mj.
Randolph knows that loyalty and respect are priceless. We're soldiers, but we're also devoted Christians. If you need those old John Lear'memos, talk to Terry. Higgins told me a lot of things about Lear's work; said he was a great pilot. Terry is trying hard to "persuade" the researches from SpaceX to abandon for good their lunar intents. Let God's angels in peace, like Luke used to say...
And so I heard. If our dear Luke start talking, or you start showing your material, he's gonna be the next John Lear,or the next Schneider. Oh, did you know that Fred is going to marry Anny Red?
I heard that from Terry's. Glad for'em. Annie is a great girl. Only fucks with intelligent guys.
Hahaha well, she aint latina, mj....
Like some folks from Wright-Patterson often says "A Latina girl's head just have two functions: Suck and swallow". Never underestimate the wisdom of a Wright-Patterson officer...
You were right again, que mj: intense activity at Zone ag33 => America freezes. "The president is in danger" => fire at the Trump tower...
Have some important news from Terry's: don't worry about SpaceX anymore. It's gone. Terry did it, mj.
I know; SpaceX failure is all over the news. Randolph and the guys from ATTIP are glad. Got some news as well, Dan: folks from Wright-Patterson just rescued one of our dear friends, lost in Argentina...
I know; SpaceX failure is all over the news. Randolph and the guys from ATTIP are glad. Got some news as well, Dan: folks from Wright-Patterson just rescued one of our dear friends, lost in Argentina...
I knew already. Alles talked about you yesterday, Mj. "We need more men like Silveira".
Terry told me that you wanted to tell him something really important...
Tell Terry: ag33 prot.765-998
‘Mali Nunquam Praevalebunt‘
(don't forget, Dan).
Great job, mj. The propulsor of the Oumuamua is at... Wright-Patterson??
Nope. I transfered to Tonopah. Ask for mj Stevens's "new toys". Protc-214.085.421. Semper-Fi
Nope. I transfered to Tonopah. Ask for mj Stevens's "new toys". Protc-214.085.421. Semper-Fi
Ok. Well, Tonopah is fine. You guys had a lot of heat on this one...
We only take the most insane ops, Dan. As I told Randolph "no mom and dad, no wife and kids. So living or dying is the same thing for me, Luke and Terry. We can take the heat, sir". And that's how earn respect, Dan.
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We only take the most insane ops, Dan. As I told Randolph "no mom and dad, no wife and kids. So living or dying is the same thing for me, Luke and Terry. We can take the heat, sir". And that's how you earn respect, Dan.
March 23th,2018.
Luiz Elizondo is comming to Brazil. Its on the Internet. He wants to talk with you... About Luke. What exactly happen to Luke, Mj?
Correction: I told Elizondo to come. Wanna know about Luke? Well, that's a long story, Dan...
Actually, I wanna know why Terry's division is after Ellon Musk...
Elon Musk knows about the Black Knight satellite. He's trying to capture, along with Robert Bigelow. They'll have severe problems with Third Echelon personnel if they accomplish. Don't run over Seals's business.
The Black Knight satellite? It is still active after 10.000years?
Wrong again, Dan. You boys from the NSA are always one step behind us... The Black Knight is older than the Oumuamua. It's at least three million years old. Elizondo knows that the ATTIP cannot do anything to secure it. That's why he's comming to see me. If anything happen with the Black Knight, our "special friends" at Nellie Airbase and Tonopah will be very upset...
So basically you marines are trying to avoid another "Dulce incident", right?
As long as the NSA and Cambridge Annalytica cooperate with our people, there's nothing to worry about. For now.
And we found the guy, by the way. Cambridge got real messy trying to get those files from Facebook. He was trying to sell Intel.
So I heard. Terry called me this morning. Elizondo will be glad to cooperate in the protection of our old and loyal Black Knight. Finally some good news.
Well, now that you hard-asses marines know that can count on us, maybe you could provide me some additional Intel on the Black Knight... Terry never gives a single word about it. We're old friends, Mj. Don't be a f*asshole..
I gotta sweet fairy tale you. And that's all. And never ask again, and never talk about this again. Don't be stupid like Luke; and its a relief to know that Terry never talks about it.
Lets pretend that you've created one of those dancing japanese robots. But this robot you command with your smartphone, anywhere. The robot has A.I, but that's not enough,so you create Artificial Counciousness, feelings, instincts. Thanks to it, your robot now has the abilitty of even hurting himself or others. All you can do is teach him, domesticate him. You sure control his inteligent actions with your smartphone, but you can control his instincts.
I know a place where eight million robots are controlled by a satellite. These robots operate with solar energy receive their commands by the light. However, they also have artificial Counciousness and the free abilitty of listen only to their instincts, if they desire. All you can do is teach'em. Luke's went crazy for discover the truth, Dan. Some nice marines that we both know went insane and start shooting innocent people because of this. Just accept the command and try hard to supress your instincts. That's the whole point of all. ALL.
I'll never talk about this again. You can trust me, mj. The one dollar bills... I understand. I accept.
One final thing, my loyal friend: what's the meaning of "destroy me and you will discover my real function"? (*file 4582.085-ag.33)
Sorry about the writting mistakes. I meant 8 billion robots (I hate these tiny smartphone keyboards).
About your "final question": it means what it means. Tip: famous archiological sites. You will never know their real function... Untill you destroy them and pay the price for it
So basically we're talking about the same tech seen on the nt34?
Yup. Non-lethal weaponry. EMG pulse, issued for A-10s. Talk to mj Stevens; we runs the show. Nortrop personnel got pretty satisfied with the results.
Just as shown at Alles's reports. Well, thank you for the Intel, Mj. Randolph told us a lot of admirable things about you (like your abillity of making everybody else look like a fucking idiot, for instance). And hows Brazil? Let me guess: full of soccer retards and cheap whores? Remember: a latinas's mouth tastes like dick. Do you need anything?
Hahaha. Well, you know the drill: total whores for total morons; welcome to the typical third-world shithole. I really need money (couldnt find an acceptable job. They're brazilian, remember? In shitholes like this, being intelligent will only ruin your life). Tell all your NSA pen-pushers that Michael Rogers will receive a gratitude call from the Pentagon. Anytime Alles and Rogers join forces, shit goes super. Semper-Fi.
Saw the latest news? Rocket Man is in China. Went by train
He sure is. Anytime you need a microphone, just ask Rocket Man. His train got more microphones than all TV broadcasters around the world. Pretty smart move, RM.
Hahaha. Like Terry said "as dumb as a latino". Just another chicken-shit socialist... I cant understand the huge concern at Tonopah. Half of all divisions are in code Sierra-H,mj.
Tonopah, Nellie, White Sands. Waiting for Oscar-Mike orders. I receive it yesterday. Any words from Michael Rogers and NSA?
Rogers reports didn't came today. It has something to do with this:
042933964230 MH370. What is it, mj? Looks like one of those weird NATO codes that came to us recently..
Well, it's 04 code, so it must be NATO's. Elizondo once told me something about the leaking of codes that the ATTIP couldn't prevent. It pissed off Alles big time. This one must be in everywhere, even at Yahoo. After this lame job, Elizondo lost the command of ATTIP. No idea about the meaning of it. NATO has its own frequencies. Keep me updated.
As usual, Mj. Ps:Terry asks "how's your russian? Rusty?".
Boleye ili meneye
Urgent: the ISS video (recorded march 28, 2018) has leaked. We still don't know who posted at YouTube. That was the reason behind the mobilization at Tonopah, Nellie and White Sands. Terry will call you, Mj.
Tex Alles just called me. Wright-Patterson is in code-R. All the servers of Archuleta are over Delta's command. Wanna be a hero, Dan? Tell mj Stevens that the remains of the Oumuamua must be relocated right now (Alles's orders). Don't get scared. It happens everytime the Black Knight satellite is in danger-close. Strong orange light glowing over Tonopah = vendetta.
Remember when I said that a new world will emerge soon? I wasnt joking.
You sure wasn't, mj. Just had the most disturbing conversation with mj Stevens on the phone. Tonopah became hell for 45min. Intense red/orange light glowing all over.
Believe me, that was nothing. If you're looking for really disturbing things, Terry is your man. Ask him about Archuleta, and congratulations on your "baptism of fire". Like Randolph says, this ain't a job for morons, pussies or latinos.
Elizondo is comming, Mj. Got some news from Tonopah for you.
I told him to forget about the Tonopah reports. Fort Worth was attacked; 500 died. Some genius film it, and posted on YouTube. Huge problem, Dan.
Heard of it. Terrible. Any progress contacting your fellows from "the weird place"?
Weird place? You mean Station Holt? Out of Seals's jurisdiction.
Well, on the reports about Fort Worth attack, 485 deaths. No bodies found. Well, that freaked me out. No bodies? Wtf, mj?
Can you tell me if Luke got acess to any of Emery Smith's samples?
Emery Smith? Los Alamos? Its a familiar name. Project Gemini?
No. Emery was one of the AF tencap. Any Intel? This guy is giving Alles a bad time. Talked a lot. A LOT.
AF? Not USAF? Did he had an "Gustatus similis pullus" logo on his uniform (like mine, for instance)?
Not sure. Terry's division told me that Emery Smith was an ODM. What is it? What's ODM?
ODM? Well, so he's from NM. All ODMs are from New Mexico. ODM means "Oderint dum Metuant". Stay away from these guys. They have the cooler toys and the most special friends of all U.S Military, if you know what I mean. Is Emery Smith under surveillance yet?
Yes. Randolph Alles's orders, Mj. One last question: Embarúra. Classified file from Tonopah. What is it?
You're going too deep and too fast, Dan. Embarúra is how my special friends say "thanks". Don't get envolved with this.
E também perceber que você deve estar, pelo visto, com bastante tempo disponível para se ocupar da minha vida que não lhe diz respeito!!!Então, vá arrumar coisa mais importante p/ fazer p/ tentar ter vida própria!!!
E saiba que oportunista pra mim é QUEM NUNCA apareceu aqui p/ dar um banho nelas, dar comida, trocar fralda, dar remédio e carinho como o meu marido sempre fez aqui comigo nesses 13 anos juntos.
Oportunista pra mim é QUEM só aparecia aqui p/ pedir dinheiro e cair fora.
Oportunista pra mim, são AQUELES que abandonaram a nossa avó fraca do jeito que estava na minha mão sem nem perguntar se eu tinha condições de cuidar dela também, pq na certa, devia ter acabado o dinheiro, e que faleceu 2 dias depois.
Oportunista pra mim é QUEM NUNCA visitou a própria mãe morrendo num hospital dizendo que não tinha coragem de vê-la naquele estado, sendo que eu tbm não tinha, mas ia quase todo dia.
Oportunista pra mim é QUEM se dá com gente que nunca gostou da nossa família apenas por puro interesse pessoal.
Mas eu não esquento não...a vida há de ensinar a viver,bem ensinado, assim como a aprender a não julgar pela aparência das coisas ou por mero interesse próprio, como sempre.
E gente que se acha o mais, o melhor, o maior, o máximo, que é um poço de arrogância e que gosta de pisar, maldizer e humilhar os outros, um dia prova do próprio veneno.
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